When planners 80-some years ago pictured the Lincoln Memorial Parkway, they envisioned a beautiful entryway into Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial, the spot Abraham Lincoln's family first called home after coming to Macon County, Illinois in 1830. There was room enough for four lanes to carry traffic southbound from U.S. 36 south and northbound from the Mount Auburn blacktop to what would eventually become Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial west of Decatur.
The road and the park were never able to take their rightful place in history. The Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial realized the historical importance of these two places and took the responsibility to care for the trees planted along the Parkway. Since 2015, volunteers have worked hard to plant native trees along the parkway. With the help of donations and grants, these volunteers have spent countless hours caring for these trees that were divided into islands. Each volunteer took responsibility for an island and monitor the trees and weeding their island. Thanks to Decatur Audubon's generous donation, signs have been made to identify each island and Andy Fulk has volunteered to mow each one.
The Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial wish to thank all the volunteers who have helped in any way to enhance the beauty of the Lincoln Memorial Parkway. Appreciation also is extended to Macon County Highway Department, Decatur Audubon and the neighbors who live along the Parkway.
Celebration of Trees Bicentennial Project Proclamation
Whereas, Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial is a significant Lincoln site located in Macon County, Illinois.
Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, his mother, father and several relatives, made their first home in Illinois on the banks of the Sangamon River at this site.
Whereas, the establishment of the Lincoln Memorial Parkway leading to the Park in the 1930s included a landscaping plan which was never accomplished.
Whereas, the Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial are working to enhance this first home-place of Abraham Lincoln in Illinois, including the natural ecosystems of the area, for present and future generations.
Whereas, the planting of these native trees, an Illinois Bicentennial Project, along the Lincoln Memorial Parkway will enhance the entrance to this important area and complete the original plan.
Whereas, trees, where ever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal.
Therefore, I, Jay Dunn, President of Board of Directors of Macon County, Illinois do hereby proclaim the fulfillment of the original Lincoln Memorial Parkway plan with the planting of these trees by the Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial, the Macon County Highway Department, community volunteers and with the generous donations of community members.