Do you know the site of Abraham Lincoln’s first home in Illinois has gone tech?
Besides enjoying all these interesting sites, you can now learn about each of them by reading QR Codes located around the park. QR Codes give quick response information (they can be read quickly by a cell phone). Does it cost? Absolutely not. For those with a smartphone, simply download a QR Reader app, most of them are free.
Once you have a QR Code reader installed on your smartphone, you are ready to scan your first QR Code. Doing so is quite easy. Just follow these simple steps.
1. Locate the white plates attached to trees and historical sites throughout the park. (No harm is being done to the trees)
2. Open the QR Code reader on your phone.
3. Hold your device over a QR Code so that it is clearly visible within your smartphone’s screen.
4. Your smartphone reads the code and navigates to the intended destination, which does not happen instantly. It may take a few seconds on some devices. (Reception at the park can be slow at times.)
Using the QR Codes in the park will give visitors the opportunityto find maps, learn how to reserve a pavilion, identify trees, and learn about the historical sites.